Eating Out With Kidney Disease

Dining out is a treat that everyone enjoys. Fellowship with food is a central part of connecting with others and something that people with a kidney disease diagnosis may think they have to miss out on because of their diet restrictions. However, with the proper preparations, it’s possible!
Finding a kidney-friendly diet plan isn’t the easiest thing for people on dialysis. As you look through a restaurant menu, you might find more options than you expect. Many kidney-friendly foods are easily prepared and accessible, making eating out an enjoyable experience again.
Plan Ahead! Look At The Menu Before You Go.
While eating out is completely possible for people with kidney disease, it does take some planning. Thinking ahead is an important, yet challenging, and often overlooked step. One way to prepare is to look at the menu online or call ahead to see if the restaurant team can make alterations or accommodations to existing menu items. Not doing this can leave you with little food options or even none at all.
Other ways you can plan ahead are:
1. Eating out may not be an option for people living in spaces like nursing homes with dialysis or other residential treatment facilities as a part of their health routine or recovery. Identify restaurants that are known for having kidney-friendly foods on their menu to avoid or to choose.
2. Reduce the amount of water, juice, or soft drinks you consume before your night out. Not only does this decrease your chances of bloating, it also gives you room to eat delicious food.
3. Always take your necessary medications, such as phosphorus binders.
Foods to Choose and Avoid on the Menu
As a whole, avoiding foods that are high in any salt is always a good idea. While this may require you to put away the salt shaker and opt for other spices to enhance the flavor of your food, restaurants will almost certainly have other options. High potassium-filled foods like dried fruit, avocados, or tomato sauce also shouldn’t be a part of a kidney disease eating plan. Here are some more foods to avoid when you’re eating out:
1. Gravy
2. Salad dressing
3. Deep-fried food
So what can you eat? Most vegetables, fruits, and bread are all low-sodium options that won’t disrupt your sodium or potassium levels to the point that it could harm your health. Surprisingly, fish like salmon or tuna are filled with omega-3 fatty acids that are essential nutrients for people with kidney disease. Many people also choose to avoid phosphorus or consume as little of it as possible, as levels can increase and exacerbate kidney problems.
How Cassena Kidney Care Can Help?
Whether you have had to strictly adhere to a kidney-friendly diet for a while or you have a recent diagnosis, eating out is a possibility for you. Having a dedicated care team to help you navigate kidney disease eating is essential for your health.
Cassena Kidney Care is a leader in our field and we are dedicated to helping you through your dialysis journey with the latest technology in treatments and a full-service experience that guides you throughout the entire process. We have multiple treatment centers in New York, and a new location coming soon in Norwalk, CT. With our team of dedicated professionals and the latest technology in dialysis treatment, we guarantee each patient will receive the best comfort, care, and results the industry has to offer. Visit our website and schedule your first visit today.