How will I know if I have a kidney infection?

Kidney infections are an exceptionally common ailment that occurs in upwards of 250,000 people in the US each year. These infections tend to impact females far more than males, due to anatomical differences between the urinary tracts. They affect a wide variety of age ranges, but most kidney infections are thankfully cleared up in around a week. They are diagnosed and treated by trained medical professionals, so if you think you have a kidney infection, please contact your healthcare provider.
What are the different types of kidney infections?
There are a vast array of injuries that can occur to the kidneys. For example, if there is not enough blood flow to the kidneys, due to a patient having a condition like heart failure, the kidneys will not work as well. On the contrary, if there is a kidney stone that is blocking the urinary tract, urine will build up behind the stone, and cause kidney trouble. In the case of a kidney infection, bacteria or a virus ascend through the urinary tract and infect the kidney. This can cause a wide variety of problems that must be promptly treated. There are several different types of bacteria and viruses, some of which are more dangerous than others. Thankfully, by using a tool called a “blood culture,” we can identify which bacteria are infecting your kidney, and target your treatment accordingly.
Bacteria? Viruses? How do those get there!
Bacteria and viruses are everywhere. They are on our skin, food, cell phones, and in our bathrooms. In most cases, when they enter the body, our body’s immune systems are able to fight them off and prevent you from getting sick. In the case of a kidney infection, the bacteria or virus has successfully evaded your body’s immune system, and is what causes you to begin to have symptoms. The best way to avoid letting bacteria and viruses into your body is to practice good hygiene.
What are kidney infection symptoms?
Knowing the symptoms of a kidney infection is critical to receiving prompt treatment. The most common symptoms tend to involve your urinary habits. If you notice yourself having pain while peeing, peeing more frequently, or cloudiness in your pee, you may have a kidney infection. If your infection has extended beyond the kidneys, you may have more systemic symptoms such as fever, chills or general fatigue. It is important to make an appointment with your healthcare provider if you have any of the above changes.
How will my kidney infection be treated?
Thankfully, kidney infections are easily treated. Your healthcare provider will perform a physical exam, run some diagnostic tests, and upon diagnosing you with a kidney infection, likely prescribe you antibiotics. This is because, since the majority of kidney infections are caused by bacteria, the antibiotics will help destroy them. It is important to make sure you complete the entire round of antibiotics, as if you do not, the infection may reoccur.
Where should I go if I want to know more?
There are a variety of places that will help you learn more about kidney infections. At Cassena Kidney Care, we will help you get back to feeling your best, and also ensure you are being educated on risks about your kidney health.