What Does The Typical Recovery Process For Dialysis Patients Look Like?

Dialysis is one treatment method for kidney failure, which is where blood isn’t filtered throughout the kidney system properly. The dialysis process acts as the kidneys, removing toxins and other harmful buildups from the body.
Because some people need dialysis to survive, they may undergo the process for up to twenty years. Understanding what the typical recovery from dialysis looks like is part of living a healthy lifestyle with kidney disease. There are two types of dialysis, each with its unique side effects and recovery routines.
Hemodialysis Recovery
During hemodialysis, tainted blood is cycled through a dialyzer and put back into the body. Also known as a “substitute kidney,” the dialyzer performs the same functions as your actual kidneys do to improve the quality of the blood returning to the body. This process can take up to five hours and is often completed multiple times per week.
Just the amount of treatments can put wear and tear on the body; this doesn’t count the additional side effects that can come with it. Here are some to be aware of:
1. Fluctuating blood pressure. You may experience low blood pressure after a round of hemodialysis. This happens when the body becomes low on fluids.
2. Infections. When an excess buildup of bacteria enters the bloodstream through the access port, the risk for infection is extremely high.
Recovery involves monitoring blood pressure, properly taking medication, and eating a nutritious diet.
Peritoneal Dialysis Recovery
Peritoneal dialysis involves filtering waste out of the blood with a filtration fluid, dialysate, that absorbs waste in the abdomen. Even though this type of dialysis can take place while you’re sleeping, you’ll need recovery time after the initial surgery to insert an abdominal catheter.
Side effects of this procedure include:
1. High blood sugar and potassium
2. Weight gain
3. Mental health problems like anxiety and depression
4. Abdominal hernias
Another common part of recovery may be dealing with peritonitis, where bacteria infect the peritoneum due to catheter use. Routine antibiotics can cure this.
Tips for Recovery
In general, each of these procedures can take a toll on you. Recovery from dialysis depends on the unique body composition of the person getting the treatment, meaning that recovery won’t look the same for everyone.
The typical recovery process means incorporating rest and recuperation into your daily routine. Here are some more tips for recovery:
1. Cleaning and checking your port regularly.
2. Getting 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day.
3. Staying hydrated.
4. Attend doctor’s appointments regularly to maintain your health.
How CT Dialysis Centers Can Help!
Cassena Care is here for you if you’re looking for some help during your recovery process. Cassena Kidney Care is a leader in our field. We are dedicated to helping you through your dialysis journey with the latest technology in treatments and a full-service experience that guides you throughout the entire process. We have multiple treatment centers in New York, and a new location is coming soon in Norwalk, CT. With our team of dedicated professionals and the latest technology in dialysis treatment, we guarantee each patient will receive the best comfort, care, and results the industry has to offer. Visit our website and schedule your first visit today.